
Introduction to Linux

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Saved by Philip Craiger
on March 23, 2016 at 2:50:09 pm




This is a series of very short video lectures -- around 15-20 minutes each -- that provides a bare-bones introduction to Linux. I created these videos for faculty members who are attending our in-person faculty development workshops on cyberforensics.  In these workshops students will use Linux and associated free/open source software for the majority of the course, so prior knowledge of Linux is preferred, but not required.  


The videos should give you just enough of a background so that we can move smoothly through the workshop, without spending too much time learning Linux.


Before attending the workshops I strongly encourage you to view the video lectures and following along with what I'm doing. You will need to download and install VirutalBox and a distribution of Linux to follow along.  Virtualbox is a program that allows a student to run Linux within another operating system (Windows/Macintosh, etc.) Don't worry, I've created videos that demonstrate how to download and install VirtualBox, as well as how to create a virtual machine and install Linux within the virtual machine.  


You may wish to watch each video once, then rewatch the video and follow along with what I'm doing.  Note that you can right-click on the links below and use Save As ... to download the videos to your local drive.


These workshops were created as part of a grant from the National Science Foundation ATE program (DUE1204800), the Advanced Cyberforensics Education Consortium, headquartered at Daytona State College, Florida. 



Video  Topics                       Length                                         
Introduction to the workshop     
Downloading and installing VirtualBox  Installing VirutalBox on your computer  17 minutes   
Downloading and installing Linux  Downloading and installing Linux in VirtualBox  23 minutes 
Introduction to Linux file system organization, ls, pwd, cd, clear, autocomplete 15 minutes 
Viewing files, creating files  /, permissions, cat, less, touch, nano, rm  12 minutes
Copying and moving files, determining file type mv, cp, rmdir, file  14 minutes 
Redirection, piping, history, wildcards >, |, history, *, ?   
  Total time  
Instruction Information: Philip Craiger, Ph.D., CISSP, CCFP

Philip Craiger is a Professor in the School of Engineering Technology at Daytona State College -- designated as a National Center of Digital Forensics Academic Excellence CDFAE) by the Defense Cyber Crime Center Academic Cyber Curriculum Alliance -- and also serves as the Principal Investigator of the National Science Foundation funded "Advanced Cyberforensics Education Consortium." From 2004-2010 he served a dual appointment at the University of Central Florida as the Assistant Director for Digital Evidence at the National Center for Forensic Science, and as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Engineering Technology. At UCF Philip was instrumental in developing the first Master’s of Science in Digital Forensics in the U.S., serving as the adviser for the professional development track. Before ‘coming home’ to Florida he was an associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Nebraska at Omaha. He is a member of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, and has on editorial boards for several academic journals and conferences. 




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